Emsella Incontinence & Pelvic Floor Treatments

The Emsella chair is a non-invasive treatment that uses electromagnetic waves to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. It's used to treat urinary incontinence, pelvic prolapse, vaginal laxity, and other conditions that affect pelvic muscle control:
Urinary incontinenceThe Emsella chair can help with stress incontinence, which is bladder leakage that occurs when you cough, sneeze, or laugh.
Pelvic prolapse and vaginal laxityThe Emsella chair can help with these conditions.
ChildbirthThe Emsella chair can help with stress incontinence that occurs after childbirth.
Menopause, weight gain, injury, or surgery
The Emsella chair can help with pelvic muscle control that has been affected by these factors.
Freedom Chair™ stimulates pelvic floor muscles with functional magnetic stimulation (FMS) pulses while you sit on it fully clothed. Improve urinary incontinence, sexual health, and pelvic floor strength by delivering supramaximal contractions: the equivalent of up to 25,000 FMS contractions in a single treatment session. Practitioners report positive results, with up to 95% improvement in stress urinary incontinence and 75% reduction in pad use. The treatment is painless, non-invasive, and has no downtime or side effects, making it a convenient and comfortable option for many women and men. Incorporated power design for portability and smaller footprint to fit in most spaces. Designed to accommodate patients with mobility and stability challenges making this a secure and comfortable treatment for most patient advanced in age and with physical restrictions.
Emsella Single Treatment |
$300 |
Emsella Package of 6 Treatments - $300 savings |
$1500 |
Emsella Package of 8 Treatments - $600 savings |
$1800 |